Monday 23 April 2012

Acne Treatment Cream - Revolutionary New Weapon Against Acne

A pimple develops when natural sebum output does not reach the surface of the skin. If the pore is clogged by this substance, the acne bacteria that are normally found on the skin begin to multiply and cause an immune response as white blood cells arrive to stop the infection. This is how acne inflammation begins. Acne inflammation is recognized by a red and swollen surface area that becomes delicate to the touch.
Skin Care Cream treats Acne Causes
Acne development is related to three major factors. When these factors converge the result is a formation of acne breakouts. All three factors must be present in order for acne to occur.
* Over productive Sebaceous Glands: Sebaceous glands are the glands in charge of producing sebum, an oil needed by the body to lubricate the skin's surface. This over production produces a blockage within the hair follicle.
This can, however, be treated with special natural skin treatment products that keep sebum production under control.
* Abnormal Desquamation: The epidermis is constantly shedding. This process is called desquamation. The process fails in acne prone skin, producing 4 to 5 times more skin cells than normal. In other words, skin that is prone to acne is usually unable to shed properly. This is dealt with by using natural skin treatment or skincare creams specially formulated to help exfoliate excess skin cells.
* Proliferation of Bacteria: Most skin contains special bacteria called Propionibacteria acnes (P.acnes). Originally it will begin with a sebum plug that is created mixing sebum and skin debris. This plug will block the hair follicle and become the onset of the bacterial proliferation. The P. acnes now inhabits a rich environment that will allow it to quickly thrive and populate the skin. It is important to inform you that cleansing cannot wash P. acnes away. If you decide to treat this condition we recommend using natural skin care products created to treat this condition.
Choosing the right Natural Skin Care Treatment
Most man-made acne treatments are expensive and harmful to certain types of skin. However, for those searching for a cost efficient natural skin care treatment there are a few options. You can opt for a natural skin care cream that can be made with products you find lying around the house. This is quite possibly the most practical type of treatment for those people not willing to waste a cent on OTC treatments. However, they should be warned; just because it's close at hand doesn't mean it's the right choice.
For those that want a more realistic skin care option there are natural skin care treatments that are both safe and cost efficient. However, when choosing a natural skin care treatment make sure that it contains ingredients that help repair damaged cells and prevent future scar formation.

By: Judy Aulin

Treat acne breakouts with natural acne skin care routines. All you need is the right acne treatment product that can regenerate damaged skin tissue while preventing further scar damage.

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