Monday 30 April 2012

Acne Prevention Tips And Home Remedies

Any skin disorder that is very apparent can prove extremely embarrassing and a trying experience for the sufferer. Everyone who is prone to develop acne would love to know a dozen effective ways to prevent it in the first place. Who wouldn’t want to save face and another month or longer worth of painful self-consciousness? I have listed a number of practical ways to prevent another acne breakout from embarrassing you, and if despite your honest efforts acne still rears its ugly head, I also suggested a few effective steps for treating acne, naturally.

Acne Prevention Tips

Use a honey mask on a weekly basis. Honey is considered as a disinfectant and a great way for healing pimples. It can also kill bacteria found in your skin.

Cut your hair short if it’s long. Hair has oil. When you are moving, dust particles often culminate in your hair, and as your hair touches your face, neck, or forehead, it can provoke acne or worsen an affected area.

Take a powerful multi-vitamin twice every day; the biggest organ—your skin
—requires proper nutrients to stay healthy.

Take vitamin A daily. It both protects your skin and prevents acne. Plus, vitamin A reduces sebum production.

Avoid over washing and rubbing or scrubbing your skin excessively. Acne is not caused by not washing or by having dirty skin.

Some people, especially students, have claimed that their acne grows worse when experiencing stressful situations. Advise: if it’s in your power, cut down on stress.

Drink 8 glasses of water everyday. Water helps to clean and hydrate the skin.

Avoid alcohol-based creams and lotions.

Either change or wash your pillowcase everyday.

Eat food rich in zinc. A deficiency in zinc may cause acne breakouts.

Add a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.

When you are undergoing much stress, breathe deeply. It has been discovered that there exists a direct connection between acne and stress.

Exercise regularly, for it helps your blood to circulate and to remove toxins.

Eat a well-balanced diet to reduce the reoccurrence of acne.

Choose your cosmetics very carefully. Sometimes what you wear to disguise acne can actually turn out to be the root cause of a skin disorder.

Acne Home Remedy Tips

Put ripe tomato pulp on your pimples, and keep them there for as long as one hour. Next, wash the treated areas.

Apply the juice of raw papaya on your swelling pimples.

On and around your pimples apply fresh garlic. Pimples will fade away when this treatment is used regularly, not leaving a mark.

Drink wheatgrass juice; it can remove acne.

Create a paste from orange peel by grinding the peel in water. Then, apply this paste on and around your pimples.

By: The Health Nut

Read”>Acuzine Reviews for fighting acne, or about”>H57 Hoodia Side Effects and what Hoodia can do for you. 

Monday 23 April 2012

Acne Treatment Cream - Revolutionary New Weapon Against Acne

A pimple develops when natural sebum output does not reach the surface of the skin. If the pore is clogged by this substance, the acne bacteria that are normally found on the skin begin to multiply and cause an immune response as white blood cells arrive to stop the infection. This is how acne inflammation begins. Acne inflammation is recognized by a red and swollen surface area that becomes delicate to the touch.
Skin Care Cream treats Acne Causes
Acne development is related to three major factors. When these factors converge the result is a formation of acne breakouts. All three factors must be present in order for acne to occur.
* Over productive Sebaceous Glands: Sebaceous glands are the glands in charge of producing sebum, an oil needed by the body to lubricate the skin's surface. This over production produces a blockage within the hair follicle.
This can, however, be treated with special natural skin treatment products that keep sebum production under control.
* Abnormal Desquamation: The epidermis is constantly shedding. This process is called desquamation. The process fails in acne prone skin, producing 4 to 5 times more skin cells than normal. In other words, skin that is prone to acne is usually unable to shed properly. This is dealt with by using natural skin treatment or skincare creams specially formulated to help exfoliate excess skin cells.
* Proliferation of Bacteria: Most skin contains special bacteria called Propionibacteria acnes (P.acnes). Originally it will begin with a sebum plug that is created mixing sebum and skin debris. This plug will block the hair follicle and become the onset of the bacterial proliferation. The P. acnes now inhabits a rich environment that will allow it to quickly thrive and populate the skin. It is important to inform you that cleansing cannot wash P. acnes away. If you decide to treat this condition we recommend using natural skin care products created to treat this condition.
Choosing the right Natural Skin Care Treatment
Most man-made acne treatments are expensive and harmful to certain types of skin. However, for those searching for a cost efficient natural skin care treatment there are a few options. You can opt for a natural skin care cream that can be made with products you find lying around the house. This is quite possibly the most practical type of treatment for those people not willing to waste a cent on OTC treatments. However, they should be warned; just because it's close at hand doesn't mean it's the right choice.
For those that want a more realistic skin care option there are natural skin care treatments that are both safe and cost efficient. However, when choosing a natural skin care treatment make sure that it contains ingredients that help repair damaged cells and prevent future scar formation.

By: Judy Aulin

Treat acne breakouts with natural acne skin care routines. All you need is the right acne treatment product that can regenerate damaged skin tissue while preventing further scar damage.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Why Are Natural Acne Treatments Better?

With the many people suffering with acne, they will try almost anything just to get rid of the problem. No one can blame them for it; however, getting rid of acne has many different medical issues involved. Issues such as, natural acne treatments are better than scientifically proven medical treatments for acne.

It is All Natural

Natural acne treatments are better compared to any medical treatment for acne mainly because it uses all natural ingredients. Since the dawn of time, nature has given mankind all the remedies and cures for every ailments and sicknesses – acne is one of them.

The nature’s way in treating acne incorporates the use of the needed vitamins, beneficial acids and natural proteins on the skin affected with acne. Other natural acne treatments also consists beneficial minerals such as zinc which is a proven solution in treating different human skin disorders. Other natural treatments contain chromium that is advantageous against acne. In most cases, natural products have a combination of those mentioned above in providing a cure for the dreaded acne.

What are these Natural Cures?

The common natural remedies for acne are often found in homes. They have been used in many generations and may or may not be proven scientifically. Natural acne treatments can be fruits like lemons, vegetables like tomato and cucumber, natural oils like tee tree oil, spices like garlic, plant extracts like from Aloe Vera and natural fermented products like honey and vinegar.

Are they Effective?

Indeed, natural treatments for acne are highly effective. They are suited for all kinds of acne outbreaks. Natural acne remedies can lessen inflammation, remove blockages from pollution, dead skin cells, dust and make-ups, kill the bacteria that cause acne and it smoothens and moisturizes the skin. Natural treatments that are taken orally can control the hormonal imbalance in the body which is a risk in acne breakouts. Although the treatment may take time, the continuous use of these treatments will surely erase acne.

The Cost is Cheaper

No natural acne cures are expensive. They can be bought almost anywhere, derived from cultured plants or better yet are stocked inside the fridge. The natural solutions for any acne problem can be used in their simplest form and will not cost much time and energy just to prepare.

No Harmful Side-Effects

Compared to expensive medical treatments against acne, the nature’s treatment has no harmful side-effects to anyone. Certain medical treatments that are applied in the skin can cause irritation, damage to the skin, dryness, burns and even infections. Those ingested can lead to urinary problems, hair loss, head aches, nausea and muscle pain. Dermatological procedures can also lead to burns, wounds, discoloration on the skin and permanent scars. Furthermore, there are other treatments that may expose the skin to harmful Ultra-Violet rays of the sun which can lead to skin cancer.
It is true that conventional medical methods in treating acne are effective, there are no arguments about that. However, they have undesirable backlashes and expensive; it may be painful or harsh for the skin. But nature has given those who suffer from acne a different answer in treating their problems, safe, secure, cheaper and most of all effective. That is more than enough reason why natural treatments for acne are better.

By: Jack Dawsoner

Jack Dawsoner writes about acne and reviews popular treatments. So, if you are looking for the best acne treatment , read reviews of exposed acne treatment or proactiv on his site.

Monday 16 April 2012

Know The Facts About Acne Before Treatment

Autor: joshuap

Many people have differing views about acne. It is made worse when certain experts could not agree within themselves. However, it is better to know the facts about acne before trying any therapy or believing in untested ideas. Here are some known facts regarding acne before you seek any treatment.

Food - No food has been related to acne. However, if you feel that a type of food makes your acne worse, please stop that food after consulting your doctor. No conclusive evidence has yet pointed out to acne and its relation to food yet.

Frequent washing - Frequent washing of the acne-affected area will not treat acne. On the contrary, it may adversely affect your skin. Washing twice a day should be more than enough. Contrary to the popular belief of many people, acne is not caused by dirt. It is the sebaceous gland that gets closed and forms the acne on your skin.

Oral Vitamin A - Derivatives of vitamin A, called retinoids are used topically and orally to treat acne under medical supervision. If somebody takes excessive Vitamin A hoping that it will treat acne, which may make the health worse as Vitamin A in large quantity can have adverse effects on the body.

Medications - Some medications can bring on acne like cortisone, certain anti-tuberculosis drugs and some anti epileptic drugs. Chlorinated solvents can also cause work-related acne.

Hereditary - If your parents had acne, it is likely that you inherit acne.

Hormonal changes - Hormonal changes bring on acne. The hormone, Androgen, is accountable for excess production of sebum. It is well known that women suffer from acne outbreaks during menstruation or pregnancy.

Acne like conditions - Some other conditions such as folliculitis may appear like acne. There are many other diseases that may mistaken for acne. They are Rosacea, Keratosis Pilaris or Perioral Dermatitis. Do not initiate self treatment, it is always better to get diagnosed by a doctor.

When selecting an acne treatment, you could use some of these guidelines. First, select an acne treatment that is based on clinical research. Then choose an acne treatment that you can well afford. No use trying an expensive treatment which you will give up half way.

Ask about the usage requirements regarding your selected acne treatment before you start it. You may decide that it is not for you or you probably cannot follow the directions. Chose an acne treatment that it will work best for you. And finally, be patient. It takes time for acne to heal.

Sunday 15 April 2012

Fight Acne by Eating Right to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

If you are a teenager a cure for acne will likely be first on your list after finding a boyfriend or girlfriend, and most of us who have been teenagers can probably remember the misery that our perception of our looks gave us.

There have been many theories as to the cause of acne, and it is highly likely that there is more than one. The basic reason for the appearance of acne is that oils, dead skin cells and bacteria block the pores of the skin to form a variety of different types of pimples or spots, such as whiteheads, blackheads and pustules than can be irritating or painful. They can also be very unsightly, affecting the face, neck and sometimes the chest and back.

Studies have indicated that acne is caused by the over-production of sebum, a fatty oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin to keep it supple and lubricated. If this is excessive, the sebum can block the pores causing blackheads, and become infected causing acne. So what causes this excess production of sebum? There are theories that it could be due to high insulin levels in the blood.

High insulin levels are promoted by high blood glucose levels the more blood glucose in your blood then the more insulin your pancreas produces to help covert it into energy. Higher insulin levels are also associated with high levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). The result of this is an increase in androgens (male hormones), specifically dihydrotestosterone (DHT), metabolized from testosterone. This in turn causes an increased production of sebum leading to acne.

The complete chain, therefore, begins with increased levels of glucose in your blood and ends in acne. In order to prevent acne you would have to break this chain anywhere in its sequence, and the only viable place to do this is at the beginning reduce your blood glucose level. In order to achieve this you would have to determine what foods you are eating that could cause an excessively high level of glucose in your blood.

Glucose is metabolized from carbohydrates, ranging from complex carbohydrates to refined sugar. However, those that you should try to avoid are the refined carbohydrates such as pasta, white bread, rice and sugar. These are what are known as the high glycemic index foods that can cause a sharp rise in your blood glucose levels when consumed. The complex carbohydrates take longer to be metabolized and are not so prone to producing sudden increases in your sugar levels. These lead to more sustained and gradual increases in blood glucose that demand a steady insulin supply, rather than the sudden increase that can lead to acne. Such foods include high fiber whole grains, oats and the like.

Studies have indicated that twelve weeks on a diet of low glycemic index foods resulted in a significant reduction in acne symptoms when compared to a control that did not change their diet. It therefore seems likely that your nutrition can affect your acne, and that changes in your diet could lead to a significant long-term reduction in acne symptoms such as pimples, pustules and other types of lesion.

The same studies also proved a reduction in the androgen levels of those on the complex hydrocarbon diet compared to the controls, and also greater sensitivity to insulin. However, the test group also experienced a significant weight loss, and it was not conclusively proved whether the reduction in acne symptoms was due to the reduction in blood glucose levels or to the weight loss.

However, the result is in accordance with the insulin and androgen theory, and it is known that diabetes is connected with obesity, so the two might in any case be related. Acne, diabetes, and weight are all related to your blood sugar level, which is in turn related to diet and carbohydrate intake.

Although a low glycemic index diet is suggested, such a diet is not easy to apply properly, and a dietician could help you here. Persistence is the name of the game, and you will not see instant results. Note that the tests referred to above were over twelve weeks, and this is likely the minimum period you will need to stick to your diet. However, the minute you break it, and revert back to simple carbohydrates, your problem will return. There is no sudden cure, rather a continual dietary approach to the prevention of the condition. Acne is not a disease that you can catch and cure. It is a condition created by lifestyle and diet, and can only be controlled rather than cured until you grow out of it in your late teens or early twenties, although many people suffer from acne until later in life.

Your diet should include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and cereals, brown rice, fish, eggs and lean meats. You should avoid saturated and trans fats, and eat unsaturated fats and oils, with plenty of omega fatty acids, vitamins and minerals for a good skin and good health. Exercise will help by improving the blood flow to your skin.

You can also help your condition by taking some specific supplements. Saw palmetto and zinc will help to reduce the levels of testosterone in your blood, and vitamins E and B6 are also believed to help. Selenium, pantothenic acid and essential fatty acids are other supplements that can help with acne, but your best bet is to discuss your condition with a naturopath or somebody trained in the use of natural remedies and supplements with your condition.

Many swear by tea tree oil, although treatment has to be prolonged over a length period before it becomes effective, but you might prefer this to one of the chemical testosterone blockers that can be prescribed for acne in certain cases.

Overall, acne is not a serious condition but can be disfiguring. Although you can seek medical help in the event of serious attacks, your recommended treatment initially is to eat plenty of healthy foods low in simple carbohydrates, to take the appropriate supplements and nutrients to keep you healthy and to take plenty of exercise to maintain a good blood supply to your face.

In these ways you can reduce the number, depth and lasting effects of acne pustules, and in many cases clear the condition altogether.
About the Author
More information on acne treatment formulas is available at VitaNet, LLC Health Food Store. 

Friday 13 April 2012

Tips And Facts For Fast Acne Treatment

There are inner and outer factors that cause acne, and they vary between individuals. If you are suffering from acne, you are not alone. Acne affects between 40 and 50 million people in the USA. Acne treatments that work are as diverse as there are people, but outcomes more importantly depend on your skin type too.

Here are some basics that will help to clear up your acne faster. You can easily do these few steps regardless if you have an acne prescription or if you are using OTC treatments.

1. Cleanliness is a must. Keep your hair out of your face and dont put your hands on your face after touching surfaces.

2. Use an acne cleanser. These cleansers are designed for different skin types. Theres bound to be one that fits yours. The best acne cleansers have a combination or a large portion of benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, sulfur and azelaic acid.

The most vital and strongest combination of the ingredients listed above used for fast acne treatment are benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. In July 2010, it was discovered (by the American Academy of Dermatology) that benzoyl peroxide used along with salicylic acid showed better results than a prescription product.

3. There has been plenty of conflicting opinions on whether diet affects acne. You can safely surmise that there is a great possibility that it does. The Washington Center For Clinical Research, and Department of Medicine-George Washington School of Medicine have recently declared that through well-designed, controlled and prospective studies, research has supported a link between acne and our dietary habits. Whether it is a big or small link is still out for debate.

4. The University of Miami conducted a research study in April 2009. This study was published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. It concluded that a topical 2% green tea lotion, used twice a day on the affected areas, greatly reduced minimal to moderate acne lesions after an episode of six weeks. Some natural extracts proven to heal skin (and may help induce faster healing of acne) are green tea (it kills bacteria), passion flower (it reduces inflammation), aloe vera (it soothes irritated skin), sage extract (it fights free radicals) and gotu kola (it improves skin healing).

An important factor you should remember is that all advice should be individualized, and both you and your dermatologist must be aware of the benefits, limitations and side effects of the different treatments for acne.

By: Catherine Gramolini

If you are looking for a fast acne treatment, check out this website to learn how to get rid of your acne problems naturally and permanently.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Natural Acne Treatments – Get Rid of Acne with No Pills or Harsh Lotions

Acne is a serious problem that affects millions of people worldwide. There are many acne treatments that have been developed over the years. Many of them treat the problem of acne only at the level of the skin. Their focus is to clean the skin and keep it oil free and then apply a lotion that is supposed to keep the acne from coming back. However, many natural acne treatment programs focus on lifestyle and the effect one’s diet, immediate surroundings as well as stress levels can have on their acne condition.

The belief is that the real cause of acne goes far deeper than just the level of the skin. Many researchers think that the root cause of pimples is really a matter of looking at the kind of lifestyle you are living and that the levels of toxins in your body is a major contributing factor to your acne condition.

External as well as internal cleansing programs are important when it comes to getting rid of acne permanently. There are many ways to clean the skin externally and most people are familiar with these approaches. Using a mildly abrasive cleanser is ideal as it helps to remove the dead skin cells at the surface of the skin. Also it is important to nourish the skin and using natural skin moisturizers such as almond oil is great to keep the skin looking soft and healthy.

Internal cleansing is also very important in any natural acne treatment program. There are many cleansing programs that you can use, just take a look at your local health food store and ask for a ‘full body cleanse’ package. Going on a juice fast can be a great way to detoxify and clean your internal system naturally. Yes, it does require some discipline to not consume your regular fast food and packaged lunches but you need to focus on how beautiful your skin will look when you finally become acne free. So going through a bit of pain will be worth it.

Many natural acne treatment programs also address the effect that stress can have on your acne. Many researchers believe that stress contributes greatly to your acne condition and that by simply reducing the levels of stress in your life can make a dramatic difference in your acne. How is stress related to acne? The answer is not fully known however there are many examples of where people that had severe acne took part in stress reduction programs and found their acne condition improving dramatically.

There are many ways to reduce stress from your life. One of the best ways is to learn how to perform meditation. The primary goal of most meditation practices is to help reduce excessive thinking. This has the effect of eliminating significant stress from one’s life as most mental stress is caused by simply thinking too much. Meditation will help you to quiet your mind and when you learn to have a quiet mind, you will attain great inner peace and inevitably you will experience less stress in your life.

Natural acne treatment solutions are indeed very effective, perhaps the most effective way to eliminate those pesky zits permanently. They do require a bit of commitment on your part to stick with the program and learn a few new skills but getting rid of acne is worth it. So look for natural acne treatment programs as there are many out there, you can even find them online as e-book programs.
About the Author
Learn about the most effective acne treatment solutions and finally get rid of acne quickly and easily with our proven acne treatment systems, visit

Monday 9 April 2012

Acne Treatment - The best options for Acne treatment?

by Richard Butler
Acne Treatment - The best options for Acne treatment?

Acne vulgaris, the medical term for common acne, is the most common skin disease. The symptoms of acne can be mild, moderate or severe.

Acne is thought to be caused by changes in hormones that are triggered during puberty.

Acne can cause great distress and have an adverse effect on a person's quality of life and self-esteem.

Acne is the most common type of skin condition. It is most widespread among older children, teenagers and young adults.

Symptoms gradually start to improve as they get older. The symptoms of acne usually disappear when a person is in their twenties.

However, this is not for certain in some cases, acne can continue into adult life.

Taking Action!

How to get rid of acne? Is there a cure for acne?. Common question, but not always a simple answer. In this short article I aim to highlight the treatment methods available. Acne is more than just a few spots or pimples. Its effects can be widespread, and it is not just a physical symptom, but deeply psychological in terms of it impact.

I remember my first date with my now beautiful wife. I felt I had to hide my mild acne with a cap. For more severe sufferers, I can only begin to imagine the negative impact on self esteem, confidence. Rather than ramblings of scientific explanations and causes I would rather get straight to the main acne treatments available. Don't lose hope!

If you are reading this article I am sure you may have tried many types of acne treatment, including creams, gels and antibiotics with limited success. Your acne could have even flared up more in a breakout?

Getting started:
·         There is no evidence that certain foods cause or aggravate acne, however, I can't stress enough the importance of a good healthy diet.
·         Put simply acne treatment needs to be a holistic approach, not simply a wash with this and that method.
·         Creating a healthy internal balance is key (in regard to factors such as hormone levels, PH balance, and enzymes) Acne is a reflection of how we are on the inside. Just treating the surface is not enough.
·         Applying a skin care-regime made out of actual natural ingredients

There is no quick fix for acne, and successful treatment will require strong self discipline. However, 90% is being one of the 10% who are willing to try.

Following these treatment steps touched on in this article, I wish you every success leading life to the full without acne getting in the way anymore.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article on acne.

Best Wishes

Mr R Butler

For further information on this successful acne treatment method CLICK this link: and get started today. Education is key

Saturday 7 April 2012

Understanding the Different Types of Acne Medications

There are different types of acne medications on today's health and beauty market. These numerous acne remedies include systematic acne treatments or topical ointments. In addition, natural treatments may also be used to lessen the number of acne outbreaks one experiences. One example of a simple acne treatment is the use of warm water and mild soap. The remedy one tries first should be based on the type of acne from which he or she suffers.
There are different types of acne medications on today's health and beauty market. These numerous acne remedies include systematic acne treatments or topical ointments. In addition, natural treatments may also be used to lessen the number of acne outbreaks one experiences. One example of a simple acne treatment is the use of warm water and mild soap. The remedy one tries first should be based on the type of acne from which he or she suffers.

Acne can occur for a variety of reasons which include the following:

1. Over production of the skin's natural oils by the sebaceous glands.

2. Hormone imbalances caused by the body's internal changes.

3. A weakened immunity to bacteria caused by "Propionibacterium acnesan acne bacteria."

4. Compromised function of the body's detoxification system.

5. The body's digestive system's reaction to certain foods.

6. Genetic tendencies.

7. Excessive stress.

8. The presence of toxins or pollutants in the environment.

9. Chemical containing cosmetics.

The type of acne medication one uses depends on the severity of his or her outbreaks. Many dermatologists recommend natural remedies or mild treatments for acne outbreaks that are not severe. Such treatments are typically comprised of natural substances such as those found in herbs and plants, and can be highly effective in preventing the formation of bacteria and removing blemishes.

Vegetables and fruits are ideal for lessening the effects of acne break outs, as well as for the prevention of new outbreaks. They usually contain vitamins and seeded minerals that are essential to healthy skin. In addition, they may also contain properties that are effective in the removal of oil from the skin, as well as cleansing the pores, such as the properties in tomatoes and cucumbers. Most fruits and vegetables also have a high water content, which is one of the major avenues through which the body cleanses itself from toxins. Increasing one's intake of vegetables and fruits and consuming a generous amount distilled water can help to lessen the number of acne outbreaks one experiences.

However, those who suffer from serious outbreaks of acne may wish to consider using traditional acne medications.

Topical acne treatments are not taken orally, but rather they are applied to the surface of the skin. Benzoyl peroxide is typically found in most topical acne medications, and is quite effective in lowering the number of bacteria present on the surface of one's skin. It is important to understand however, that prolonged use of such products can cause the skin to become dry. In addition, it may result in the presence of contact dermatitis, which is an irritating skin condition.

Azeilic acid is also present in most topical acne treatments, and it is effective with decreasing the presence of bacteria in the pores of the skin. The side effects associated with this type of treatment include extreme dryness and non-permanent skin discoloration.

Additionally, topical erythromycin can help reduce inflammation. Often, erythromycin is used in combination with benzoyl peroxide for particularly troublesome acne breakouts.

Sodium sulfacetamide is a treatment used to obstruct the growth of bacteria, and help to unclog pores and reduce inflammation. However, due to its smell it is not used as often as other acne treatments, although it is quite effective in treating most symptoms of acne.

Systematic acne treatments are typically prescribed for those who suffer from severe acne infections, and the effects of the treatment can last as long as six months. Anti-androgens is the most prescribed systemic acne system for women, as it controls the secretion of a specific hormones. For this reason it is often called a hormonal treatment.

It is essential to treat one's skin with the most suitable acne medication available. For example, those suffering from mild acne should not choose a product that is too strong or harsh. A remedy that is too harsh may result in one's skin aging more quickly, resulting in dry scaly skin or wrinkles. Therefore, it is wise to conduct proper research on the various acne treatments that will be the most suitable. For more information about the Best Acne Treatment, visit the Acne Treatments That Work blog site.

Monday 26 March 2012

Glycolic Acid Acne Treatment

Glycolic Acid acne treatment is a rather extreme and professional procedure used by dermatologists to treat acne. You will also find Glycolic Acid in beauty and skin care products but in smaller dosages that should not cause any side effects.

The reason that Glycolic Acid has and is used for acne treatment and in other beauty and skin care products is due to its ability to reach beneath the outer layer of skin. It's effective at unblogging your pores and getting rid of bacteria that has been found to be the cause of spots.

When used by dermatologists Glycolic Acid is often used as a chemical peel treatment, which can be rather unpleasant and is why you need professional supervision.

What is Chemical peel treatment?

Chemical peel treatments even sound painful and in practise can be too. They involve firstly cleansing the skin to remove any excess oil and then the Glycolic Acid is applied to the facial areas that require treatment.

After awhile the application forms a layer that can easily be removed. During this process though it can be quite painful and causes a burning sensation that can be quite unpleasant. The skin after peeling can be quite red and become blistered in appearance. Care needs to be taken after treatment and sometimes bandages and anti-bacterial medicine is used to prevent infection.

Glycolic Acid a home acne treatment?

Professional dermatologists regard Glycolic Acid acne treatment as unsuitable for home use due to the care and after-care supervision required. Keeping the Glycolic Acid on for too long or using too strong a Glycolic Acid solution is very dangerous. In fact, this type of acne treatment does not conform to FDA or EU safely levels and so should be avoided.

For this reason we would not recommend using this form of treatment unsupervised, if at all. Instead if you have mild to moderate acne that you wish to treat then there are over the counter acne products that can do the job.

By: Andrea R Smith

Find out the pros and cons of Glycolic Acid Acne Treatment and how to get the best over the counter acne treatments that work. The best acne treatments 2011 on the market.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Best Acne Treatments?

When discussing about the best acne treatment for our skins,  we are unwilling to subject our skin’s delicate tissue to harsh chemicals.   The majority of us probably have heard  about the natural acne treatment with advertisements touting their products as being the absolute best acne treatment ever.   We know instinctively, of course, that every one of those products cannot be the very best acne treatment, although one or several just might rate as a close second or third.  The products that vie for the position of being the best acne treatment are those competing products that are not the best acne treatment, but could be good, and thereby provide one of the better acne treatments. 
 Therefore, we must be cleat about what exactly is the effective acne treatmebt.   since best is the superlative description for the very finest, most excellent, something,  the best acne treatment either is the actual best acne treatment, or something less.  SkinB5 outshines its so-called competition, for its products can legitimately lay claim to constituting the best acne treatment, for it is an indisputable fact.  SkinB5 offers the very best acne treatment products; they know it and their customers’ happy, acne-freed skins attest to this truth.  One only need look to website to take their initial best acne treatment step, which is to read the testimonials submitted by some very satisfied consumers.  Those happy customers attest to the efficacy of the SkinB5 best acne treatment program, and the rejuvenated complexions of those happy customers prove out their claims of having discovered the best acne treatment available. 
 A  variety of testimonials  have been displayed  on by some ardent customers , each in its own way, praising SkinB5 for the best acne treatment they’ve experienced.  These customers know from personal experience that SkinB5’s natural skin products really do make up the best acne treatment -seemingly weighed against those customers’ prior disappointments of products probably carrying claims of being the best acne treatment. Those testimonials reflect customers who are convinced that SkinB5 provides them with the best acne treatment - most probably because that best acne treatment gave them the results they had been seeking.  A UK believer states, “…SkinB5 is the best acne treatment I have ever tried.”  Another, from the US, “I had acne for far too long.  Still cannot believe SkinB5 actually cleared my face!”  It would seem that these two customers are convinced that SkinB5’s acne products provided the best acne treatment for them.
 SkinB5  refers to the time-released tablets of nutrients crucial to healthy, well-balanced skin.  A very pleased Australian customer wrote that, having been plagued by acne for 10 years, “My skin just keeps improving.  After just 3 weeks of taking the tablets my skin is almost clear.”  This statement assuredly implies that the writer believes SkinB5 has the best acne treatment for them.  These best acne treatment testimonies are received by SkinB5 day after day.  They, along with the company’s increased sales volume, argue overwhelmingly that theirs really is the best acne treatment available. 
 Those who are cravinf for the acne treatment  can start up right now by visiting to choose one or all of the products that constitute the best acne treatment on the market.  From cleansing to treating, through to nourishing a healthy, vibrant skin, with SkinB5, you, too, can treat yourself to the most efficient  cure.

About the Author

Adult Acne | Natural Acne Treatment | Body Acne

Thursday 22 March 2012

Acne and its Treatment,...

Acne is a hazard. But it is not something that can not be resolved. There are lots of acne skin care products around. We can classify acne skin-care products into 3 main groups.

* Preventive or general acne skin care products
* Over-the-counter, specialized acne skin care products
* On-prescription acne skin-care products.

General acne products for skin are those used as acne-prevention measure. This is cleaning and removing makeup and other products that help prevent acne. In real terms, and acne skin care products, only those who should already be part of your daily routine. But some of them are more oriented to act as an acne skin care products. These products for skin acne counter the causes of acne, such as reducing the production of sebum / oil and preventing clogging of pores in the skin. Simply put, these skin-care products for acne, prevent oil from being trapped in the pores and thereby threaten the growth of bacteria that cause acne. General acne products for skin care products as well, such as peeling flakes. They work to remove dead skin cells, which reduces the ability to clog pores and bacteria growth.

Then there are specialized skincare products for acne are available over-the-counter or prescription. These include products such as creams that disappears extract oil from the skin also. Most of these acne skin care is based on Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, both of whom are enemies of bacteria (and hence acne). You should start with a product that has a lower concentration of benzoyl peroxide (eg 5%) and see how your skin reacts to it. Alpha-hydroxy acid moisturizers are also popular as acne skin care products. You may have to try several before you focus on skin care acne product that is effective for you. If there seems to work, contact dermatologist.

Prescription acne products for skin, are those prescribed by a dermatologist. This can include ointments that can be applied to the affected area, or oral antibiotics or topical treatment. Dermatologist may also suggest a small surgical procedure to remove the contents of the vesicles. However, never try to squeeze or do it yourself, it can lead to permanent skin damage. Your doctor may prescribe hormone therapy-on (since hormonal changes are also known to cause acne). Such products for acne skin care is known to be highly effective in some cases.
So all these products for skin acne, removes acne, is not that hard.

About the Author

If you are looking for acne skin care tips than it is really possible to get free of acne in short time with acne skin treatment and natural beauty skin care tips. Find more about organic skin care products.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Acne and Its Preventive Cures and Medication

Is the problem of acne acting stubborn with you and is not subsiding no matter what you do? There are many remedies for acne available on the market but one has to be cautious when they choose these products, for not all types of cures and medication suit every type of skin.

The best way to get rid of acne is to find out what type of skin you have. Remedies for acne differ from one skin type to another. The kind of body acne treatment that suits an oily skin does not suit dry skin. Therefore, determining what skin type you have will help you in selecting the right acne treatment products.

Acne is of different sizes and in severe cases the pimples are big and are termed as pustules. Generally, when the problem is intense, it leaves scars on the skin and these scars make the face look unattractive. People try many methods and techniques to get rid of these scars. When the acne acts adamant and refuses to subside, it is recommended that you visit a dermatologist who will be able to prescribe the right kind of acne scar treatment. With the expert help and treatment, you could once again regain your self-confidence and looks.

Prevention of acne is in your hands to a great extent. If you have confirmed that you have a tendency to fall prey to acne, you have to make a careful observation as to what triggers off the spurt of acne. In a few cases, eating oily and fatty foods generally triggers it off, though the cause for acne could also be genetic. Therefore, a proven and best way to get rid of acne is through having proper, nutritious and healthy diet.

There are a few people who get acne not only on the face and neck but also on the body and these leave terrible scars in the end. Acne scar treatment and body acne treatment from a known dermatologist will solve the problem to a great extent, provided it is clubbed with the right diet. Using creams, soaps or gels which contain Benzoyl Peroxide could help a lot, too.

About the Author

Undertake the excellent medication and remedies for acne brought to you by goodacneadvice. This is one of the best way to get rid of acne and its effects.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Acne Vulgaris Treatment Information

Most people will battle with acne at one point or another in life. Usually teenagers are bombarded with embarrassing pimples, but sometimes it continues into adulthood. When this is the case, it is time to search for an acne treatment.
Most people will battle with acne at one point or another in life. Usually teenagers are bombarded with embarrassing pimples, but sometimes it continues into adulthood. When this is the case, it is time to search for an acne treatment.

There is not one specific acne vulgaris treatment. Every case must be taken into special consideration for its symptoms and causes prior to obtaining a treatment. The target is to make sure that the acne does not happen again. In the perfect case, a person can be free from acne forever. After all, no one wants to fight painful and ugly marks on the skin throughout life.

It is essential to work together with a doctor or dermatologist when looking for a helpful treatment for their acne. Working alone can cause the symptoms to get worse since a person does not have the knowledge to get rid of mild, moderate, or bad acne by themselves. professional can offer advice and a good course of treatment. Here are some choices for acne treatment according to its severity.

Mild Acne

Acne that is mild is normally characterized by whiteheads, blackheads, or scattered pimples on the face. This does dot require much worry. A person may be deficient in methods of acne prevention such as a decent skin care regime, healthy diet, and better overall lifestyle.

Even though the case may be mild, a person will wish to start the first line of defense in acne vulgaris treatment. Anyone can utilize a gentle and hypoallergenic cleanser such as Dove or Neutrogena. These products get rid of dirt, grease, and extra dead skin cells that tend to clog pores. Never scrub the skin because it can make acne worse.

Treatment choices can include over the counter creams that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. If these do not work, the doctor can prescribe a stronger medicine along with antibiotics and anti-inflammatories.

Acne That Is Moderate Or Severe

In moderate cases, the treatments for acne vulgaris is plentiful, complex, and effective. Cysts and pimples filled with pus are more difficult to treat since they may lead to deep scars or other blemishes. The treatment may include any of the following:

Applying topical creams or gels onto the area. These may include benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, and salicylic acid, or prescription medications.

Oral medicine like antibiotics and anti-inflammatories.

Cysts and pimples being surgically drained.

Blue light therapy usually used in severe acne cases.

With all of the technological advances that have been developed in the treatment of acne vulgaris, hope exists that acne can be tackled every time. A person must remain patient as the dermatologist discovers the best treatment for the specific case.

It is not just the actual acne treatment that must be given attention. A person must search through the many ways to lessen acne scars when finishing successful treatment. In the end, it makes no sense to carefully treat the acne without caring for the possible scars that will remain. It is highly suggested to use collagen injections, laser resurfacing, or dermabrasion for help. In no time, the skin will appear better, healthier, and free of acne. For more information about the Best Acne Treatment, visit the Acne Treatments That Work blog site.